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OIAPiece of Shit. September 10, 2008

Posted by YoutiaO in Uncategorized.

Well the title says it all.Although we(the OIAP applicants that is) are priviledged to be able to sleep at 6am and wake up 2 days later or whenever you wished to,we are all damned frustrated and pissed about having to wait for that approval or whatever POS to start purchasing our air tickets and also prepare our luggage.I am all eager to start working right now but I can’t even confirm who will be my future employers..from the Shangri-la dream to the Holiday Inn saga and now Crowne Plaza’s pending decision,it’s driving me nuts..the later we start work,the later attachment ends.And we wouldn’t like it.Perhaps it wasn’t wise to choose OIAP in the first place,but the decision is already made and there is no backing out now.

Meanwhile we can only fantasize about the many things that will/can happen if we are there in China,and of course to wait and wait and wait for the permission to get our visa.Have anyone of us wondered how great it would be if the Olympics wasn’t held in China?There’s no doubting that this Olympics really took our breaths away(the opening ceremony + the Ping Pong match),but we could have already started work in China by now.

Why are we waiting?Why are we waiting?Why are we waiting?


1. doujiang - September 13, 2008

You’ve said it all, buddy.

2. loversxhouse - September 14, 2008

yup vincent. you’ve really said it all. sometimes i really regretted choosing oiap. all we can do now is sigh, rot and wait.

3. Val - October 1, 2008

update blog leh! haha..

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